Christ, the Light of the World

May you experience the presence of Christ, the Light of the World, everywhere, in everyone, so that hope will abound in your life and the world you live in. There is no corner of the planet where Christ is not. And may you share the light of Christ that is within you with everyone you meet, wherever you are, everyday.

Wilfredo Juan Baez

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Interspiritual Center of Greater Binghamton New York

Today I give birth in my imagination to the Interspirituality Center of Greater Binghamton.  Can we find the essence of our being and the essence of the various forms of religion within ourselves in our life together?  I know that I share in an understanding of God with my Baha'i, Christian, Islamic, and Jewish brothers and sisters.  And I know that I share an understanding of God and of Self with my Buddhist, Hindu,Native American, Sikhs  and Taoist brothers and sisters.  I know that I share in my essence, in my faith, in my ethics and in my values with my New Age, Atheistic and Humanistic brothers and sisters. I know I share an understanding of the divine which people of every ethnicity, nationality and race even as our cultural expressions differ and with conservative, liberal and progressive persons alike even though our theological and cultural interpretations differ even substantially.

Imagine coming together in Life to co-create a better life for all people and all beings.  Imagine actualizing our potential as human beings and human community, appreciatively harnessing our resources instead of exploiting them.  Today I begin to proclaim my vision of an interspiritual age where all of our philosophical, religious and spiritual outlooks enrich each others.  Imagine loving God with all our hearts, minds and wills, however we understand God to be, theistically or non-theistically, loving our neighbor as ourselves, loving ourselves, loving one another, loving the earth, the sky and the water, loving our sexualities and identities sand haring in Presence and Community.

I value my Christianity just as I value my Buddhism, Hinduism and Sufism.  I value my understanding of Kabbalah, Taoism and Theosophy.  I value the essence of my being and my religion and yours.  I am unmistakably Christian, although it is a Gnostic, inner, interspiritual, intercultural and transformational Christianity.  And I am unmistakably United Methodist although Pan-Methodist, pluralistic, progressive, Catholic and Protestant,  But the Way, the Truth and Life that Jesus or Yeshua represented 'though narrow is inclusive.   It is the way of Essence of Self, the One way, Truth and Life of the One God that has many forms but one outcome.  What i we could not get lost in the outer forms of our faith and life together?  What if we could appreciate the value of every form and see goodness as goodness and wholeness and holiness as wholeness and holiness?

Will you imagine with me this new creation and walk with me into a new future, a new way of being human, this essential Way, Truth and Life represented by Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and many others; the Way, the Truth and Life that leads to God realization and the manifestation of God's will upon the earth?  Contact me and let me know.

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