Christ, the Light of the World

May you experience the presence of Christ, the Light of the World, everywhere, in everyone, so that hope will abound in your life and the world you live in. There is no corner of the planet where Christ is not. And may you share the light of Christ that is within you with everyone you meet, wherever you are, everyday.

Wilfredo Juan Baez

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Rainbow Banner over Binghamton

I love this new place where I live - Binghamton and Vestal, New York.  I love the people that I have met and am meeting here.  And I love the promise that exists for me, my church and these communities.

Today I lift up my rainbow banner.  I see it spanning the sky above me, touching down on the earth over two horizons.  And I declare that in God there is no East or West nor North or South.  There is on earth and one sky.  There are so many different kind of people; different ethnicities, nationalities and races; different genders, gender identities and sexual-orientations; different religions, religious denominations and worldviews; rich and poor; middle class, upper class, lower class; different levels of education and income; different color skins and lengths and girths of bodies; urban, suburban and rural; differently-abled, sick and well people.  But what we share in common is that we all are human beings, sharing the same planet and resources and are children of the same God or members of the same human race.  Under our rainbow banner we are one, and if we don't destroy one another, God won't destroy us.  Rather God will equip us - indeed God already has - to co-create a new earth and new heaven - a heaven on earth, one God, one people living according to a rule of love, peace and justice.

Can this rainbow banner fly over Binghamton and our Tri-City area and Broome County and this Southern Tier of Upper New York?  Can we get together in Binghamton and the Greater Binghamton area to create a new community, a community that cares for all things Binghamton - people, property?  If you want to walk with me under this rainbow banner contact me.

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