Christ, the Light of the World

May you experience the presence of Christ, the Light of the World, everywhere, in everyone, so that hope will abound in your life and the world you live in. There is no corner of the planet where Christ is not. And may you share the light of Christ that is within you with everyone you meet, wherever you are, everyday.

Wilfredo Juan Baez

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Gospel of Thomas - coda 15

Gospel of Thomas, coda 15

“Jesus said, ‘When you see someone not born of a woman, prostrate yourselves and worship him.  He is your Father.’”

To be born of a woman is to be born of flesh and live according the law of the flesh, the instincts, drives, needs and desires of the body.  It is to live according to one’s physical nature and the system of rewards and conditioning build into the material world.  To be born again, from above (heaven), or in the spirit is to live according to the higher law of spirit, God, and freedom, freedom from conditioning, and freedom to love Self as you find self in and around you.  When someone is alive in the spirit in this way, they are one with God.  It’s rare to see this in a person.  Jesus was an example of such a person.  Jesus told his disciples in the Gospel of John that in him his disciples had seen “the Father” and that he was “the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” and that “no one comes to ‘the Father’” except through him.   The true spiritual master is one that is not a child of his biological parent any longer, but of God.  Such a person is free of the effects, related to life in the body, that result in living a continuous cycle of death and rebirth.  Born of God in the spirit of God one is free of what the Buddhists call “the law of dependent origination.  Rather one is free to do the “will of ‘the Father.’”  What is being prostrated to here and worshiped is none other than God realized in the presence of the Master.  Imagine what it would be like to realize a world where there is only God, expressed in many forms, but essentially God.  The Indian sage Sri Aurobindo was known to have said, “Whenever I meet a person, I bow to the God within him, and pay for his personality.”  Is it possible to live in such concordance with God “one’s True-Self” that one recognizes God (that True-Self) in everyone and everything and everywhere and are always prostrating oneself and worshiping God.  This would be an egoless state of Self-God Realization where one loves God and loves neighbor as oneself.

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