Christ, the Light of the World

May you experience the presence of Christ, the Light of the World, everywhere, in everyone, so that hope will abound in your life and the world you live in. There is no corner of the planet where Christ is not. And may you share the light of Christ that is within you with everyone you meet, wherever you are, everyday.

Wilfredo Juan Baez

Monday, June 20, 2011


Seven more days of packing.  We have been sorting through many years of collectables, discarding a lot.  But now, we are going to have to just pack.  We can't discard so many years in a few months.  We'll have to continue to discard after the leave and hope we don't find as many collectables as we have up until now.   Jesus says we can't take it with us when we go, but it is a lot of work discarding.

I am looking forward to the moving, not because I want to move on from here, but because moving places one in an intermediate state.  The packing and cleaning keeps me from attending to the relationships I have here.  It's difficult to focus on anything but the moving.


Seven more days of packing.  We have been sorting through many years of collectables, discarding a lot.  But now, we are going to have to just pack.  We can't discard so many years in a few months.  We'll have to continue to discard after the leave and hope we don't find as many collectables as we have up until now.   Jesus says we can't take it with us when we go, but it is a lot of work discarding.

I am looking forward to the moving, not because I want to move on from here, but because moving places one in an intermediate state.  The packing and cleaning keeps me from attending to the relationships I have here.  It's difficult to focus on anything but the moving.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Moving Forward

We have been six years in Gouverneur.  We have seen both of our children graduate from high school and go on to college from here.  We are very proud of who they have become.  Both will be attending SUNY Potsdam this  fall.  We are happy for the people we have met here in Gouverneur and what we have been able to do together. I am hopeful for them with Beth Benham as the pastor following me.

Marcia and I move on to a new appointment, this time at the United Methodist Church of North Chili.  We are hopeful as we move forward.  We are returning to the Rochester area where we lived four enjoyable years before. I am hoping to be able to teach at one of the seminaries or universities in the area in addition to my pastoral responsibilities.  Marcia will look to be employed in an area library or school library.  I am sure she will find a place to display her love of children.

I am hoping to make quicker work on my two PH.D. dissertations, one about using Neuro Linguistic Psychology as a tool for teaching preaching including modeling the preaching of Jesus, the second about using NLP to lead people to experience Christ Consciousness or the Reign of God.  My biggest hope is to create a multi-cultural church community in, as an extension of, or in cooperation with others in the Rochester area.

I am hoping to blog more often.  I might add my sermons here.  Blessings to you all.

+Will Baez